Essay: Sample for San Diego University

Essay: Sample for San Diego University
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Dear Scholarship Committee:

If the 18 year-old James would have known and understood the value of higher education the way the now 34 year-old James does, you would have received this letter 16 years ago. Perhaps the passage of 16 years and the experiences contained in them will prove to be an advantage that will make further education of the 34 year-old more fulfilling personally and more beneficial to family, friends and the community.

I am, first of all a husband and father. Jan, my wife of eight years, and I have two beautiful children—our daughter Sue is six, and our son Josh is three. My marriage and the birth of our children are the most satisfying, inspiring events in my life. Another event, not exactly a positive one at first glance, is one of the reasons you have received this letter.

For nine years I was a journeyman carpenter working for several framing ...