Essay by Rebecca Shapiro admitted into Connecticut College in 2023

Essay by Rebecca Shapiro admitted into Connecticut College in 2023

The air thickened with red dust as I walked into the basement of Washington Studio School for my first sculpting class - a way to be creative after a stressful day. As I pulled back a thick curtain to enter, I looked around the room, examining the surfaces, all covered in a thin layer of that same dust. The bookshelves behind me were sporting a small collection of sculptures.

We were given a 4’ by 6’ block of clay to mold into a woman that was sitting in front of us. I stared at the block of clay, unable to imagine how to start. The woman next to me immediately started shaping her rust-colored slab. She took clumps from the bottom of the piece, adding it to the top, taking pieces away to form shoulders and arms. I spent more than an appropriate amount of time watching her work. I was amazed by the way she could see the woman inside her block of clay.

I turned back to my sculpture and gingerly shaved off a piece of clay from the top corner....