An essay example (student admitted into Emory University in 2017)

An essay example (student admitted into Emory University in 2017)
Write on ONE of the following topics (500 word limit). What do you admire most about your community? What would you improve? 

Winter is coming. And as the chilly season approaches, my high school will soon be invaded by smoothing…abominable. Lovesick teenagers armed with cheesy posters and grocery store flowers. Because at my school, winter is the harbinger of the Winter Formal Dance.

But as girls secretly gossip as to who they wish to ask them and guys muster up the courage to do so, I spend another year resigning myself to not going. Whenever someone finds out that I’m skipping it, they never assume that it’s because I can’t afford to. Which is why I am always asked this same question:

“Why not? What are you too poor? Hahaha!”...